KCD’s Monthly Podcast – March 2024

Podcast transcription:

Body of Lies

by Kailäsa Candra däsa


Who are the most dangerous elements in human society? How do they escape punishment for their actions from the nation-states in which they function? Are they envious? Are they demoniac? What is their destination after death? What is the essence of their business?

In the material universe, the default is disobedience. The defaults here are all negative, and the Parameçvara has ultimately designed every material universe to be a place of punishment. Tremendous effort must be made in order to transcend its clutches. Rationalism is helpful in the beginning, but mukti is only attained by revelation. You have to strive in order to actuate the Absolute. That is the only real positive alternative, because the Absolute is transcendental to the mahat-tattva.

The fabricated, so-called “ISKCON” confederation appears to represent the highest dimension of the Absolute Truth. In many people’s minds, it appears to be THE Hare Kåñëa movement. It appears to be, but nay it is not! There is a governing body of “ISKCON.” It has been around since the summer of 1970, and it was meant to maintain the honesty that is intrinsic to brähminical culture. However, did it wind up?

For the first year or so of its existence, it functioned according to its charter, which is still in the historical record and called the Direction of Management. As such, it served the guru, serving the Founder of this branch (called the Hare Kåñëa movement) of the guru-paramparä. That Founder is His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedänta Swämi Prabhupäda. It was called the Hare Kåñëa movement in common parlance.

On a corporate basis, it was called the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, the acronym of which is ISKCON. After some time, even while the Founder was physically manifest, the governing body gradually, insidiously–and, as it turned out, irreversibly–became corrupted by dishonesty. The putrefaction was not noticed by most of the Society’s devotees in the early years, but it was noticed by your host speaker, who is now communicating what he knows to you.

Our presentation is about the all-pervasive influence of the mode of ignorance on everybody and everything in this world, especially when the West degraded into a post-modern mentality in the second half of the Seventies. Secondly, it is about the false narrative woven by the aforementioned Governing Body Commission of the “ISKCON” movement, a narrative shot through with mendacity.

Hereinafter, this Commission will be referred to by its initials, viz., the G.B.C.; specifically, it will usually be referred to as the vitiated G.B.C.. To some extent last month, we discussed this Commission’s concocted and self-serving narrative. In delineating the real narrative, however, no punches should be pulled . . . and they will not be, as the rationalizations spread by the Commish must be overcome.

This entails directly presenting the historical narrative as it is, not according to “ISKCON” historical revisionism. Straight. Sharp. Incisive. Graphic. Clear. Uncompromised. The Commish has fully deserved that vitiated adjective to its agency since the Spring of 1978. Those members cannot be charged for their criminality in any mundane court of law. No nation-state can try them. Still, not a jot or a tittle will escape being either dotted or crossed in relation to them, ultimately.

A Society deserves the criminals it produces. The corruption and conversion of ISKCON into “ISKCON” was not only insidious and gradual, but it was also inexorable. The eleven great pretenders—all governing body commissioners, by the way—imposed a major deviation on the Society in the late Seventies. It matched the degeneration into ignorance which was ushered into Western culture via the post-modern mode of nihilism and absurdity, which was also in the late Seventies.

We shall touch upon incidents in “ISKCON” which led to its conversion into a warped replica of what it was and what it was meant to be. The second part of the presentation will encapsulate some points in terms of the actual narrative of what went down and why. These led to the whole movement becoming shot through with dishonesty. As a result, the Governing Body Commission, for the past forty-plus years, has been nothing but a BODY OF LIES.

The final part of this presentation will discuss the essence of the three broken arrows, the splinter groups falsely believed by many today to represent the Hare Kåñëa movement, which they do not. What is their actual modality? They are all splinter groups, all perversions of the Society that Prabhupäda wanted, ordered, and envisioned.

First, the Mother Ship: In point of fact, it is the primary splinter group. That is “ISKCON,” of course. The other two, in chronological order of their manifestations, are Neo-Mutt and Rittvik. Their interrelationship is not to one another but to the mode of ignorance. Also explained will be how all three of them are thoroughly ensconced in different and specific lies as supplying root claims to their so-called legitimacy.

They will be presented as components of the same universal energy located just outside the esoteric plane. They can never be participants in the esoteric plane, because it is pure. However, they can and do imitate being so. All of the leaders of these pseudo-spiritual scams are acting in massive misuse of free will on both the personal as well as the group plane . . . and their narratives are all based upon lies.

In the material universe, the default is disobedience. The default is cold. The default is darkness. The default is ignorance. The default is distraction. The default is illusion. The default is destruction. The default is despair. Most importantly, the default is lie after lie covering over many previous lies. The three splinter groups are all engaged in covering and perverting Kåñëa consciousness in the name of spreading it. The conflicting revisionist nescience pushed by each of them is ultimately all interrelated, but only in this way.

Genuine Kåñëa consciousness is the peace formula. In no small part, this is because Kåñëa consciousness promotes sattva-guëa, the mode of goodness. Peace is integrally connected to the mode of goodness despite the propaganda that it is only attained through strength. The mode of ignorance is the opposite of the mode of goodness, and it promotes strife and war, especially when combined with the mode of passion.

Many people are under the impression that the post-modern world is still mostly under the mode of passion, which it (allegedly) was in past decades. Such is not the case, however. Virtually the whole world at this time is dominated by the mode of ignorance. Animal slaughter and meat-eating are vicious activities under the influence of the mode of ignorance. Although exact statistics are not available, certainly the majority—the vast majority—of people in the Western world are engaged in eating meat, fish, and eggs, which are not meant for human consumption.

No one can be in the mode of goodness who is engaged in this abominable activity. Similarly, abortion is also under the mode of ignorance. The Second Law of Thermodynamics, also known as The Law of Entropy, can be summarized as follows: Without the presence of a living force, everything in the universe moves towards chaos. From the time of the zygote, the presence of living force works against the tendency of the universe to always tear apart—sometimes quickly and sometimes very slowly—in putrefaction, destruction, and chaos.

Killing animals and murdering human beings—even in the womb—is action in the mode of ignorance. Everyone has the right to live, but those in the mode of ignorance adopt their own concocted code in order to rationalize killing other living entities. Some of those in the mode of ignorance don’t even adopt a code, but just kill because they get something from it and/or because it pleases them.

This is the mentality of the savage, which can be summarized: If it’s good for me, it’s good. And, if it’s good for me and bad for you, then it’s even better. Most so-called civilized human beings in the post-modern world are nothing more than two-legged animals . . . or reptiles.

In other words, they have the consciousness of an animal or a reptile, although their karma at the time of their births merited the rare human form. This form presents the opportunity to seek liberation from the cycle of birth and death. Those engaged in killing other living entities have virtually no chance of such liberation, except if they accidentally die at a rare, blessed moment. These rare moments take place, but they are infrequent. Chapter Eight in Bhagavad-gétä describes the criteria that must be met, and it consists of restrictive factors; it should be obvious, for those that die at these moments, that their deaths are based upon luck.

Otherwise, humans engaged in the murdering and killing, the marketing, the serving, and the so-called enjoyment of destroying other humans or animals are not transmitters of peace. They are conduits of war both within themselves and in human society as a whole.

The other activity thoroughly in the mode of ignorance also must be mentioned: Intoxication. Notice that the second and third syllables of this well-known word—and well-known activity—sums up what it essentially is: It is engagement in poisoning oneself. Toxic activity is usually a slow form of death, although there are exceptions to this, of course. Killing oneself is not what you are here for, and intoxication is not meant for the human being, although some form of it is legal—in one form or another—in virtually every nation-state of the world.

When there is no peace at the individual level, there can be no peace in the family, except only sporadically. When there is no peace at the level of the family, only laws (and law-abiding citizens) of a regulated civic entity (along with a well-regulated militia) can maintain peace at the level of the community, or the State, or the nation-state.

The mode of ignorance—like the other two modes—functions on the physical plane, the astral, and the causal. When someone is completely situated in the mode of ignorance on the causal plane, he or she is the most dangerous element in human society—with one special exception, which was alluded to in the many questions which began this podcast, and it will be described later, as indicated.

The real issue to contend with here is that of the mind, which means the astral plane. The astral interpenetrates all that we smell, taste, see, feel, and hear. These are the gross energies, although two of them (the pranic and the ethereal) cannot be seen. The astral is more subtle, and the topic of describing it is very difficult for a number of reasons. You have to accept bona fide knowledge from higher, spiritual authorities.

We shall simply make the point—which should be more or less obvious to most of you listening to and/or reading this podcast—that the lower astral is the plane of ignorance, although it also has layers. It is the predominant astral at this time in human history. As far as that goes, it is getting worse, not better. The vast majority of human beings in today’s civilizations—what to speak of the neanderthal and troglodyte tribes or so-called nation-states—are in the mode of ignorance.

Although the many mental speculators who decry this tragic condition (after finally admitting to it being factual) constantly talk about how to rectify and reverse it, such is not possible (except for some minor and temporary tweaks) without genuine Kåñëa consciousness.

Humans have slipped from the mode of goodness (being dominant in human society five thousand years ago) to intermittent periods of time where passion was more prominent. However, that is now coming to an end. In point of fact, it has ended. Even in India, animal slaughter, intoxication, and meat-eating is now legal in some states. Once Ireland legalized abortion recently, all of Europe has now legalized murdering developing human beings in the womb.

The nation-state paradigm is on the verge of cratering. It is going to be replaced by a form of totalitarianism, preceded by an apocalypse which that new paradigm is barely able to prevent . . . and only in part. This is going to lead to some kind of world cataclysm, and your author will be discussing how he contemplates all of this going down in a future book . . . to hopefully be published soon.

Suffice it to say that, unless devotees of the Lord are able to emerge from underside the roof that has been erected over them for the past forty-plus years by so-called transcendentalists, Fate will win. It will not be pretty, let me assure you. These “transcendentalists” are the splinter groups which The Vaishnava Foundation works constantly to expose.

Let us now segue to that stage of the presentation. It is time to open the Spiritual Overton Window. How can we possibly expect the karmés and vikarmés to open their Overton Window if the devotees in Prabhupäda’s branch of the Hare Kåñëa movement do not first open theirs? It is now time to put the palms of your hands up, get under the lowest sill of the window, and do a preacher curl with full force. Shove that thing right up to the top. Open it wide.

What is referred to here is THE REAL NARRATIVE of what went down and why in Prabhupäda’s movement—or, to be more specific, exposing what is pushed by the three perverted reflections of it. Each of the three splinter groups has its own patented narrative, but that needs clarification. Because Rittvik is so fractionalized, there are many more narratives from all the different offshoots of “ISKCON” since 1989.

However, we shall not delve into all of that. We shall concentrate on the very first splinter, which is, of course, “ISKCON.” The deviation of The Mother Ship, The Big Kahuna, led to the emergence of the other two groups. For the sake of this podcast being understood, we shall consider Rittvik to be one deviation, although, as just mentioned, it is actually many of them. As far as that goes, Neo-Mutt is also itself split, but, for the sake of describing the actual narrative, we shall consider it one. Both Neo-Mutt and Rittvik are cent-per-cent deviations, but they are not interrelated; instead, they are based on separate, wrong principles.

As promised, we are going to get into the historical record in order to help you overcome all of their narratives, which are sucking thousands of innocent and not-sincere-enough devotees into them. However, before the details, let’s attempt an overview. You are all afforded to take a shortcut to reject each of the three of them.

Of course, if your astral body has been polluted to such an extent that it is now in the astral crapper, nothing can be done for you. Your Overton Window is very narrow and hardly open at all. Maya will fill your squirming brains with nescience as soon as this knowledge is presented to you. You have allowed yourself to become degraded by mistaken knowledge, wrong facts, warped descriptions of what went down, and your vision is clouded. Due to bad association, there is hardly any chance for you, but, if there is a chance—no matter how slim—it is being provided to you in this podcast.

The three deviations can be overcome instantly; these are the shortcuts. All you have to do is have the Spiritual Overton Window open within your own mind and intelligence. That may be asking a lot, but ultimately it does not require much if you make the original effort. In other words, here are the shortcuts in order to INSTANTLY DISMISS AND OVERCOME the evil Lilliputian leaders, cheap gurus, and their chelas representing the three chief deviations pinning down your devotional Gulliver.

Consider “ISKCON.” What is it’s chief deviation? Easy to understand: It is the vitiated G.B.C., which authorized the eleven zonal pretenders. Prabhupäda only authorized regular gurus, who are not, by definition, uttama-adhikärés. He did not even officially name any such regular gurus, but that regulated principle was all that he authorized.

The vitiated G.B.C. instead appointed (on a very flawed basis, which was no basis at all) eleven of their own to be mahä-bhägavats. The G.B.C. awarded these Commissioners with an exclusive monopoly of initiation in demarcated zones covering the whole world. This was a massive deviation from what was authorized by the Founder-Äcärya. Whatever mumbo-jumbo an “ISKCON” apologist uses to rationalize any of this is nothing more than the MASSIVE DEVIATION it was and remains.

No one can possibly be a bona fide guru who was one of these eleven, who recognized these men as spiritual masters, who was a hatchetman and enforcer for them, who worshiped them as the highest of the high (when, in actuality, they were sahajiyäs of the lowest variety possible), and who spread the message and narrative that propped them up. They were all bogus. The movement was polluted. As far as ISKCON is concerned, this outrageous deviation murdered it in 1978.

Bas! Case closed!


Let us consider Neo-Mutt. Like “ISKCON,” it can also be very easily dismissed. All of the Neo-Mutt gurus who were initiated by Prabhupäda and crossed the river to join Swämi B. R. Çrédhar are traitors of the worst variety possible. This is because they are promulgating an apa-siddhänta on a topic that is crucial to the Vaiñëava tattva given to us by Prabhupäda: The origination of jéva-tattva.

These men—some of whom are warlocks with daëòas—are committing a kind of treason against Prabhupäda, who they minimize. They know full well that Prabhupäda clearly stated that the jéva did not emanate originally from the brahmajyoti or from the causal plane. Here is but one of many examples where he indisputably stated that truth:

“Unless one develops full devotional service to Kåñëa, he goes up only to Brahma-sayujya but falls down. But after millions and millions of years of keeping oneself away from the lélä of the Lord, when one comes to Kåñëa consciousness this period becomes insignificant . . . Because he falls down from Brahma-sayujya, he thinks that this may be his origin, but he does not remember that before that even, he was with Kåñëa.”

The collateral damage caused by Neo-Mutt in pushing their Gouòéya Mutt apa-siddhänta—received by Swämi B. R. Çrédhar, primarily—is immeasurable. Reject the Neo-Mutt claptrap which attempts to explain how Prabhupäda allegedly meant something diametrically different from what he clearly preached. He actually preached one thing and, in opposition, both Gouòéya Mutt and Neo-Mutt misled and mislead thousands by preaching something else. This is how we can easily know, without a great deal of effort, that Neo-Mutt gurus are bogus

Bas! Case closed!

Let us now consider Rittvik. This manifestation of crypto-Christianity has nothing to do with genuine Vaiñëavism. It also can be easily dismissed just as you shake off vermin from a coat fallen on the cloakroom floor. First of all: WHERE’S THE PROOF? There is no conclusive evidence presented by the rittviks. Instead, all you get from them is endlessly mutable word salad loaded with mistaken knowledge, illogical connections of weak proposals, and faulty presuppositions.

For many, many thousands of years, the four disciplic successions (authorized and specified in Padma Puräëa) have carried on via the tradition of a physically manifest guru, as a man, initiating his disciple here on Earth. The guru takes the saïchita-karma, because he has a body which can then absorb it.

Prabhupäda never established any new system.

If he had envisioned doing so, there would be solid proof of it. There wasn’t, and there isn’t. Not only because he never wanted his branch of the guru-paramparä to be carried out like that, but also because such a concoction (following in the footsteps of Christian priests) is totally unauthorized. No spiritual master could do such a thing.

Only a sahajiyä could attempt this, and there was one such case many hundreds of years ago. It was called the kartabhäja line, and it was exposed specifically by Çréla Bhaktivinode Öhäkura as being one of thirteen sahajiyä groups, which take the process of bhakti cheaply.

The rittviks compare Prabhupäda to Iesus Kristos, and there is nothing accidental about that. Iesus Kristos has nothing to do with the spiritual and devotional science passed down from spiritual master to perfected disciple throughout the history of the Vaiñëava tradition. Lord Caitanya continued that tradition, and Iesus Kristos was never initiated into His line or any other line or branch of Vaiñëava çiñöäcara.

The other two splinter groups (“ISKCON” and Neo-Mutt) are false schools, but Rittvik is a wrong school. It is preposterous from the gate. Sincere and serious disciples in our branch have studied the real system. They have compared it to the faulty arguments of the cheap back door gurus (read, so-called rittvik-acaryas) advocating rittvik-in-absentia. These real devotees, by doing so, have completely rejected the Rittvik argument as nothing more than another version of historical revisionism.

Those who have recognized the brain dead articles put forth by the “Prabhupädanügas” in their imitation “Back to Prabhupäda” magazine know it well that the foundation of Rittvik is built on sand. It will not stand, and it is destined to be condemned.

As such, in an encapsulated form, we have presented quick and easy ways—all totally bona fide—to dismiss the three splinter groups above-mentioned. They are all dangerous, and they all have their own narratives, which they each present as the history. All of those narratives emanate from a warped perspective. The gradation of their danger (to those who even initially start to believe their narratives) must now be briefly discussed. You have to secure the right perspective.

Rittvik is ridiculous. Because it takes initiation as being given (which it never has been and never will be) by a non-manifest spiritual master (who departed physical manifestation over forty-six years ago), he is unable to directly protest what they claim they are burdening him with and what they falsely claim he is doing from them. As long as you reject Rittvik’s chief presupposition (which is very ridiculous), along with its flawed overall perspective and narrative of the back-door gurus, Rittvik is not as dangerous as the other two narratives.

As far as Neo-Mutt’s narrative is concerned, it is very dark. In point of fact, it is pitch black! If you get caught in that wheelhouse, Neo-Mutt’s vortex is a tough extraction. However, its influence is limited. It is clearly linked not to Prabhupäda (who is utterly minimized in it) but to Gouòéya Mutt. Here’s what Prabhupäda has to say about Gouòéya Mutt:

“Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvaté Öhäkura, at the time of his departure, requested all his disciples to form a governing body and conduct missionary activities cooperatively. He did not instruct a particular man to become the next äcärya. But just after his passing away, his leading secretaries made plans, without authority, to occupy the post of äcärya, and they split into two factions over who the next äcärya would be. Consequently, both factions were asära, or useless, because they had no authority, having disobeyed the order of the spiritual master. Despite the spiritual master’s order to form a governing body and execute the missionary activities of the Gauòéya Maöha, the two unauthorized factions began litigation that is still going on after forty years with no decision.

Therefore, we do not belong to any faction. But because the two parties, busy dividing the material assets of the Gauòéya Maöha institution, stopped the preaching work, we took up the mission . . .”

This excerpt is from a purport to Caitanya-caritämåta, Ädi Lila 12.8. The purport is self-evident, and your host speaker could easily fill a five-thousand word article with many more potent quotes from Prabhupäda’s letters and books buttressing the fact that Prabhupäda condemned Gouòéya Mutt in no uncertain terms.

As such, the perspective of Neo-Mutt—which, as aforementioned, really has no connection to Prabhupäda—is easy to overcome for any devotee, male or female, who has the courage to confront and reject it. For this reason, although it is more poisonous than the “ISKCON” perspective and narrative, it is limited with less subtlety. It is more clearly condemned and less dangerous than the narrative of The Mother Ship.

Let us take up the wrong narratives in an amalgamated way. What do the three splinter groups have in common? They are antagonistic to one another. They have different perspectives and narratives (all of which constitute historical revisionism). They have different moods, styles, and centers. They have different leaders, different memberships in their echelon ranks and corporate hierarchies, different patrons, and different followers and disciples. Each of them will only allow their own priests to engage in worship ceremonies on altars in their centers.

Superficially at least, it appears that they have almost nothing in common. To a very great extent, such is the case, and that is wanted. However, generically speaking, they all one thing in common. Despite their different formats, they are all engaged in the same thing:


Ultimately, there is no real difference between deception and lying, because lies are the inexorable result of deception. The bromide “It is to deceive the disciple” was advocated Swämi B. R. Çrédhar when he convinced the eleven seeds of uttama pretension to nourish themselves in the highly-fertilized soil that he provided. Of course, all eleven of those men were established cult manipulators before the Spring of 1978, but deception got fully baked into the “ISKCON” cake at that time.

Now, what mode facilitates deception? It cannot be the mode that facilitates honesty, can it? Of course not! Brähmins are, by both constitution and action, absorbed in honesty. Sincerity is based upon honesty. Brähmins are in goodness. Their pracära is honest. They deal straightforward. This is verified in Bhagavad-gétä, 18.42.

Is deception integral to the mode of passion? Sometimes it is, and sometimes it is not. The vaiçya sometimes engages in deception, granted, but he is in a peculiar combination of the modes of passion and ignorance. No king can gain the confidence of his protectorate if he is constantly lying to them. They cannot feel at all protected if their king or president is deceptive about anything and everything.

In other words, there is SOME deception in the mode of passion, but it is not intrinsic to it. It is subordinated by other qualities which trump it. And that leaves us with the actual answer: DECEPTION is intrinsic and integral to the MODE OF IGNORANCE.

Are the three splinter groups deceiving any of you? To the degree that you are susceptible to their false propaganda, they most certainly are! We have pointed out the specifics of this throughout the podcast. The leaders of “ISKCON” have been, and continue to be, liars.

They lied about how The First Transformation of the zonals was authorized by Prabhupäda, which it never was. They lied when they merged the appointment of rittviks into the appointment of dékñä-gurus, which was never the case. They lied when they implemented and institutionalized the bad advice (read, lies), which they swallowed hook, line, and sinker from Swämi B. R. Çrédhar.

Throughout the history of “ISKCON,” their whole narrative has been shot through with lies. And where did all of these lies come from? Well, that’s not difficult to answer: All of it came from “ISKCON” liars!

And virtually all of it—if not all of it—was sanctioned by the vitiated G.B.C., a board which should now be seen as nothing more than a BODY OF LIES. It consisted of liars in the Seventies, and has consisted of liars ever since. None of its men (or women) are actually brähmins, because the dishonesty that it is based upon is anything but representative of the mode of goodness. It was supposed to be an advisory body of brähmins, but it degraded into something much lower and more sinister.

What about Neo-Mutt? It also consists of liars. They all lie when they claim that the jéva-tattva did not originally emanate (read, fall down from) the spiritual world. They lie when they claim (ever so briefly) that they are genuinely initiated disciples of Prabhupäda, when, in point of fact, they are all traitors to both him and his branch of the guru-paramparä.

What about Rittvik? The rittviks are also liars. They lie when they say that Prabhupäda established rittvik-in-perpetuity as his legacy, when he never did any such thing. They lie to all of their chelas when they convince them that they are initiated by Prabhupäda.

If they came to what superficially appeared to be the Hare Kåñëa movement after November of 1977, they were not initiated into a connection to the disciplic succession, known as the Madhva-Gauòéya Vaiñëava sampradäya. They were reluctant to accept the real way, on the manifest plane, to become initiated by a bona fide spiritual master.

As per the purport to Caitanya-caritämåta, Ädi Lila 1.35, they will pay a price for that reluctance, especially if they preach against the proper way:

“One should always remember that a person who is reluctant to accept a spiritual master and be initiated is sure to be baffled in his endeavor to go back to Godhead. One who is not properly initiated may present himself as a great devotee, but in fact he is sure to encounter many stumbling blocks on his path of progress toward spiritual realization, with the result that he must continue his term of material existence without relief. Such a helpless person is compared to a ship without a rudder, for such a ship can never reach its destination. . . If one thinks that he is above consulting anyone else, including a spiritual master, he is at once an offender at the lotus feet of the Lord. Such an offender can never go back to Godhead. It is imperative that a serious person accept a bona fide spiritual master in terms of the çästric injunctions. Çré Jéva Gosvämé advises that one not accept a spiritual master in terms of hereditary or customary social and ecclesiastical conventions.”

Questions were asked at the beginning of this presentation. Here are the answers to those questions from the purport to Çré Éçopaniñad, mantra 12:

“These rogues are the most dangerous elements in human society. Because there is no religious government, they escape punishment by the law of the state. They cannot, however, escape the law of the Supreme, who has clearly declared in the Bhagavad-gétä that envious demons in the garb of religious propagandists shall be thrown into the darkest regions of hell.

Çré Éçopaniñad confirms that these pseudo religionists are heading toward the most obnoxious place in the universe after the completion of their spiritual master business, which they conduct simply for sense gratification.”

The colossal hoax known as the fabricated, so-called “ISKCON” confederation is a pseudo-spiritual scam. “ISKCON” in general, and the vitiated G.B.C. in particular, are fully responsible for the antagonistic splinter groups set into motion after the disastrous implementation of the zonal äcärya imposition in the late Seventies.

That imposition was based upon a series of lies. All the rationalizations as to why it was understandable and forgivable are so much detritus that has not come anywhere near washing out to sea. That recrudescence is still present in so many forms. All perspectives that do not recognize this fact—including all of the narratives spun forth from such perverted perspectives pushed by members of organized religion—continue to plague the remaining few sincere and serious devotees of Truth.

Lord Caitanya’s Golden Age cannot spread in this state of affairs. As such, this terrible condition must be removed by any means legal. We start with exposing all of the lies that it is based upon—especially the lie that the vitiated G.B.C. has any spiritual authority left whatsoever. We progress from there until critical mass is achieved and the time of reckoning and retribution becomes both obvious and inexorable.


1 thought on “KCD’s Monthly Podcast – March 2024”

  1. The latest missive Body of Lies by Kailasa Candra Dasa gives a brilliant exposition of the three splinter groups “ISKCON”, Neo-Mutt and Rittvik who currently serve to produce more Ignorance through their falsities to an already transformed World of Ignorance which was formerly in the higher Mode of Passion thereby helping Goddess Maya to suppress the truth as an ongoing process by putting devotees in total Ignorance with no way out. Kailasa Candra Dasa touches and addresses the major flaws committed by each splinter group such as “ISKCON” which appointed Eleven so called Mahabhagavat Gurus, Neo-Mutt propagating no fall theory from the Spiritual World and Kartabhaja Rittviks giving in to Diksha Initiations by a Non-Manifest Vaishnava Spiritual Master based on Christian Baptism. But Kailasa Candra Dasa through his touching and incisive narrative encourages his readers cum listeners as not to lose hope and become incapable of receiving the truth by not utilizing their Intelligence and Mind.

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