1 thought on “KCD’S MONTHLY MISSIVES – JULY 2021”

  1. The latest missive, When “ISKCON” Deviates, Neo-Mutt Always Gains by Kailasa Candra Dasa gives a solid exposition on how the wayward GBC “ISKCON” Acharya Board indirectly helped Neo-Mutt and Ritvik cults to start their own bases, all the three cults combined impregnated the WRONG BIJA (CONTAMINATED DEVOTIONAL SEED) among their followers. This missive by Kailasa Candra Dasa gives the example of how their dedicated and surrendered followers compared with “POISON GIRLS” used by Royals in ancient times,” infiltrated the world society for a number of years to get vulnerable people, some of whom became silent victims and some becoming ardent devotees to these three cult leaders. This missive is a cautious warning by Kailasa Candra Dasa to all those SOULS SEEKING HELP who are both inside or outside these three cults (“ISKCON”, Neo-Mutt, Ritvik) as not to become their PREY.

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