This Video cum Audio “BEFORE THAT EVEN” with regard to NO FALL THEORY based on BRAHMAN CONCEPTION succinctly exposes NEO-MUTT leaders who viciously endorse their FLAWED CONCLUSIONS based on their FLAWED PHILOSOPHY thereby notoriously implying every living entity in the material world is ORIGINALLY INNOCENT giving into COVERT MAYAVADA which goes totally against Srila Prabhupada’s teachings as put forth and authentically covered in the Video discourse by KAILASA CANDRA DASA.
This Video cum Audio “BEFORE THAT EVEN” with regard to NO FALL THEORY based on BRAHMAN CONCEPTION succinctly exposes NEO-MUTT leaders who viciously endorse their FLAWED CONCLUSIONS based on their FLAWED PHILOSOPHY thereby notoriously implying every living entity in the material world is ORIGINALLY INNOCENT giving into COVERT MAYAVADA which goes totally against Srila Prabhupada’s teachings as put forth and authentically covered in the Video discourse by KAILASA CANDRA DASA.