Anartha-nivritti stage is a very big thing. It’s a great attainment and from my perspective, it is rarely attained by Westerners especially. No more anarthas either acted upon or spoken at this stage. No aparadhas. It’s the clearing stage, and brahma-bhuta (nistha) stage is there at offenseless chanting.
These critics of Return to Square One do not understand the stage of strictly following at all. This is because they are actually in sahajiya mode, and they think that they have easily already attained it. They think that they are consciously awake (brahma-bhuta), whether they call it that or not. When someone thinks that he is already conscious (has attained self-consciousness) of his constitutional position – and when, in actuality he is not so – he can make no progress whatsover from that position.
All these gurus of “ISKCON” and the neo-Gaudiya Mutt are also deluded in this way: they go on committing anarthas and aparadhas but cannot recognize they are doing that. They remain connected to previous “gurus” who were (and, in most cases, still are) implicated in many aparadhas and anarthas and “initiations”, but they think that these connections do not affect them. Wrong. That chain is fully linked to them and will remain so until they break the link completely.
And the only way to do so is to speak out against those aparadhas and anarthas, and forcefully defy them, in the process, breaking all favorable relations or dependencies with the cult, sect, confederation, religion, society, or institution pushing any of that. Otherwise, all these so-called reformed gurus remain just as tainted, thinking, very falsely, that they nevertheless are strictly following, or even self-realized.
“And the only way to do so is to speak out against those aparadhas and anarthas, and forcefully defy them, in the process, breaking all favorable relations or dependencies with the cult, sect, confederation, religion, society, or institution pushing any of that. ”
I agree.